Our Partners

Discover a few of the places where The Yada Project is making an impact.


Scroll down to learn more about our partners and good work they are doing.


Give Hope 2 Kids

Give Hope 2 Kids is a non-denominational Christian ministry that’s committed to giving hope to vulnerable children. Their purpose is to be a family to orphaned and abandoned children. In the Children’s Home in Honduras, our kids are placed within a true family. We are committed to raise and educate them until they’re able to be independent adults. These kids respond so well when we meet their needs, give them family, and introduce them to God’s love.We love introducing kids to new learning opportunities: books, computers, English, music. This is such a passion for us, that along with our kids, we make our resources available to young people from the surrounding villages. We offer a community library, teach classes, and run a youth group, hoping to spark something great in each young life that will give them a brighter future


Casa Adalia

Casa Adalia is a home that provides a safe and nurturing home for girls in Ecuador. Adalia means “God is my refuge” in Hebrew.  A dream for Casa Adalia has been to provide vocational training and friendship evangelism to girls who have been rescued out of the sex industry and now live independently or with family. “If a girl has a problem, even a small one, we want to be there to listen and encourage her to make better decisions. This could make all the difference for her to remain free of the only life she knew, a life she lived without choice in order to survive.”

The Yada Project is excited to be partnering with Casa Adalia to bring hope to daughters of the King. EsperanzArt creates beautiful, unique jewelry. Our prayer is that through the sale of this jewelry, that each of the girls will also believe that God has created them beautiful and unique.


Kids International Ministries

Kids International Ministries was established in the Philippines in 2005. It started as a children’s home in a small neighborhood outside the country’s capital. Since then, it has grown into a far-reaching organization with various programs that cater to those most in need of food, shelter, education, and medical attention.

One of the ministries of Kids International is the Cuatro Christian School. CCS seeks to serve the special needs of orphans and children from marginalized communities who otherwise would be left behind due to poverty, neglect and lack of education. Cuatro Christian School opened its doors to the surrounding impoverished communities, many of whose children were not attending school. Starting with 30 students, the school’s enrollment has reached upwards to currently 470 students, its growth hindered only by available resources.

The Yada Project has partnered to provide funding for students at Cuatro Christian School and to sell purses and t-shirts that are handmade by mothers of students at CCS, thereby providing education and opportunity to break the cycle of poverty.

Who We Are
We are a community of growers and harvesters that have come together around a common cause to feed those in need and to proclaim the gospel. 

Our Mission
Here at Hands for Harvest, we strive to create and sustain a community of growers and harvesters dedicated to providing high-quality food to families in need and without access while proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. All while creating a positive impact on the environment through regenerative agriculture methods to ensure that our plants and animals are in harmony with the wildlife and the ecosystems to which they belong.

Hands of Harvest